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install_vertica script not working — Vertica Forum

install_vertica script not working


I am trying to run the install_vertica script in the /opt/vertica/sbin directory, and I get the error below. Note, I am logged in as root. Should I preconfigure something before running the script?

./install_verticaVertica Analytic Database 7.0.1-0 Installation Tool

>> Validating options...

Upgrading admintools meta data format..
scanning /opt/vertica/config/users
Error: No machines will be included in the cluster!
Hint: provide --hosts.
Installation FAILED with errors.

Installation stopped before any changes were made.


  • Hello Osiris,

    What is the exact install_vertica command you are running?

  • As the message said you need to do

    install_vertica -s <ip/s or host/s name of the machine that you want to install vertica> -r <the location of the rpm>

  • the script I am running is (located in /opt/vertica/sbin)


    I get the following output:

    Vertica Analytic Database 7.0.1-0 Installation Tool

    >> Validating options...

    Upgrading admintools meta data format..
    scanning /opt/vertica/config/users
    Error: No machines will be included in the cluster!
    Hint: provide --hosts.
    Installation FAILED with errors.

    Installation stopped before any changes were made.
  • Hello Osiris,

    The documented steps you'll need to take to install Vertica are located at:



  • As stated above you need to supply the hosts as a parameter of the install command. The link to the install documentation is very accurate and will help you.
  • Osiris,


    if you want to setup a single node cluster, use your local loopback address as host address otherwise for a cluster supply address of the other nodes. Do refer the install guide for detailed info.



  • Please note that if you use the loopback address (, then you cannot add any additional nodes to form a cluster in the future.

  • Hi I cant find the install_vertica script or the directory "sbin" in /opt/vertica/
    This is after I have installed the HP Vertica package. Am I doing something wrong? Running version:7.0.1-0 on redhat linux 

  • try looking in /opt/vertica/sbin.
  • don't have that directory either
  • Hi Kenneth,

    Have you installed the Vertica RPM?  (Or .deb, on Debian/Ubuntu.)

    If not, try doing that before looking for install_vertica.  If so, make sure you're installing the correct package.  Also make sure that you don't have some configuration-management program (such as puppet, etc) that is deleting the package's files because it doesn't recognize them.

  • hi friends, Most of the errors fixed now. But i like to know how to fix
    _ HINT (S0305): https://my.vertica.com/docs/8.1.x/HTML/index.htm#cshid=S0305
    TZ is unset for mymarsdb. Consider updating .profile or .bashrc_

    I'm just confused where and how to fix this issue. Even after googling little bit confused. pls guide me

  • edited October 2017

    My recent error's posted below. I bit confused with first one "HINT" and not getting proper picture to resolve it. Pls assist me.

    Validating node and cluster prerequisites...

    Prerequisites not fully met during local (OS) configuration for
    ** **_ HINT (S0305): https://my.vertica.com/docs/8.1.x/HTML/index.htm#cshid=S0305
    TZ is unset for mymarsdb. Consider updating .profile or .bashrc_****
    WARN (S0160): https://my.vertica.com/docs/8.1.x/HTML/index.htm#cshid=S0160
    These disks do not have 'ext3' or 'ext4' filesystems: '/dev/xvda1' =
    WARN (N0010): https://my.vertica.com/docs/8.1.x/HTML/index.htm#cshid=N0010
    Linux iptables (firewall) has some non-trivial rules in tables: filter
    WARN (S0112): https://my.vertica.com/docs/8.1.x/HTML/index.htm#cshid=S0112
    vm.swappiness is higher than recommended: your 60 > 1

    System prerequisites failed. Threshold = WARN
    Hint: Fix above failures or use --failure-threshold

    Installation FAILED with errors.

    AdminTools and your existing Vertica databases may be unavailable.
    Investigate the above warnings/errors and re-run installation.

  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator

    Did you visit the suggested doc site?


    It let's you know how to fix your issue :smile: It's just a warning, but it's a good idea to set the TZ environment variable.

  • yeah i visited but not getting proper picture to modify as per my need.. could you please let me know steps to be follow. from basic if possible

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