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Cannot Create Library with R language - Error ROLLBACK 2175 — Vertica Forum

Cannot Create Library with R language - Error ROLLBACK 2175

Hello all,


I have been using R with Vertica for sometime now. I have not had any issues integrating my R Functions with Vertica until recently. I always follow the same commands when creating a library - 


drop library libName cascade;
create library libName AS '/opt/vertica/sdk/examples/RFunctions/function1.R' LANGUAGE 'R';
create transform function libBame AS LANGUAGE 'R' NAME 'libNameFactory' LIBRARY libName;


And Vertica would create the function.


However, now when I try to create a library in Vertica - I recieve this error - 


create library libName AS '/opt/vertica/sdk/examples/RFunctions/function1.R' LANGUAGE 'R';

ROLLBACK 2175:  An error occurred when loading library file on node v_dbname_node0001, message:

Couldn't create new UDx side process, failed to get UDx side process info from zygote: UDx side process has exited abnormally.


I have never seen this error before and am not even sure where to start looking for the problem. I would really appreciate it if I could get some guidance on this error.


Thanks in advance!


  • SruthiASruthiA Administrator

    Hi Ryan,


        Could you please check if function1.R is present in exact path as mentioned below on the participating nodes. Please check PATH & LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables make sure that  see that those don't have more than 1 occurrences of R function.







  • Thank you for the response - I am not sure how to check my PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH


    UPDATE - 


    I am unable to do any type of queries with the library names - I just performed the query




    and receieved this error - 


    ERROR 2929:  Couldn't create new UDx side process, failed to get UDx side process info from zygote: UDx side process has exited abnormally


    I looked at the log files from vertica.log and I have this error - 


    Couldn't create new UDx side process, failed to get UDx side process info from zygote: UDx side process has exited abnormally
    LOCATION: createNewUDxSideProcess, /scratch_a/release/vbuild/vertica/EE/EEUtil/UDxFenceSupport.cpp:511

  • SruthiASruthiA Administrator



     Could you please share me with the dbLog as well?




  • SruthiASruthiA Administrator



     Could you also please check if /opt/vertica/R/library/Rcpp/lib/ on node001 has all files when compared to the other nodes??




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