Vertica Processes & Folders to Exclude from Antivirus Scan



We're installing Mcafee Antivurs on our Production System. I want to know about Folders and Processes of Vertica Db which needs to be added to Exclusion List of Mcafee so that I can avoid Performance slowdown.


  • Hi Aditya


    You can exclude some of the below listed directories/mount points from to avoid performance degradation scenerios:


    1) Exclude the mount point of which Vertica data and catalog directories are located.


    2) Also can exclude any other custom storage locations defined.

    3) Exclude the directory /opt/vertica

    4) Exclude directories under /opt/vconsole
    * if the Vertica Management Console is install/configured *


    5) There are some files generated there that are Vertica in /tmp which should be excluded as well.
    /tmp/4803 <<< This is related to Vertica spread
    /tmp/vbr <<<< This contains historical information about backups that one has performed


    I hope this information will help you.



    Rahul Choudhary

  • edited September 2020

    Can I install Rapid7 agent on Vertica DB to scan Vulnerbility? Does it cause any crash issue to my DB or performance degradation.
    Please advise.

  • Harry,
    Rapid7 isn't a technical partner with Vertica and as far as I could see from internal searches we don't have any experience with their InsightVM or other products. So at this time we can't make any claims as to the potential impact it would have on Vertica's stability or performance. The best we can suggest is to apply their full featured 30 day trial in a test env that represents your desired infrastructure, cluster configuration, schema design, and representative data and queries. See what you get for results and use that in your decisions on whether to implement it or not.

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