8.0.x Community Edition single node installation failure on ubuntu 14.0 TLS

Hi, for the purpose of evaluation Vertica, I am trying to install vertica and management-console on my local machine. But faceing many issues in this process, below are the details:

Machine: Ubuntu 14.0 TLS [ 4 core, 8GB ]
Setup details:

sudo dpkg -i ~/work/installations/vertica/vertica_8.0.0-3_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i vertica-console_8.0.1-0_amd64.deb

Followed steps "before you install vertica" and changes few system properties for Debian

On management console:
created new cluster
Added new host (IP: (rejects or localhost)
Validate host: Failed (2 failures)

  • Vertica already installed
  • dhclient is already running

Can someone please help in advising how to install vertica community addition on localhost? Though documentation seems huge but I failed to find exact list of steps to perform successful installation and cluster/database creation.



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