Vertica driver support in .net core on non-Windows

Hello, community!
My question is - when it would be possible to use vertica's driver in .net core?
I tried to use it, and in windows it works well for .net core's project, but on any other OS, like Linux, it is not working.
After some research I found out that it uses windows registry, for example, to configure the logging of driver, also some calls to kernel32 to identify name of user, who runs the program, and to determine the version of OS running.
Is it possible to change the code of driver, so it does not include this features?


  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely Administrator


    According to the "ADO.NET Prerequisites" doc page, the Vertica driver for ADO.NET requires a supported Windows operating system.



  • edited September 2017

    Hello, Jim.

    Thanks for your comment!

    I know that this particular driver requires Windows OS.
    The question was - is it possible that some day vertica will release driver, that will work under linux in .net core. It works on .net core, but only in windows
    Current version refuses to work only because it tries to access windows-only libraries for informational purproses. Without this calls driver will work, as I tested it, but I cannot use it, as it will be violation of the license agreement.

  • Hi!

    is it possible that some day vertica will release driver, that will work under linux in .net core.

    I don't think so. It depends not on Vertica but on MS policy/license agreement.

  • edited September 2020

    Any update on this question? FYI, Microsoft is moving in the direction of slowly obsoleting .Net Framework (see, first release of .NET 5 will be in Nov 2020).

  • Any news on that in end of 2021? :smile:

  • edited December 2021


  • Hi,
    Vertica drivers use a 3rd party SDK, and that SDK to date doesn't support on Linux. In September we opened a feature request with them based on the original forum question. They have indicated tentative plans to add support in the SDK sometime in mid to late 2022 (subject to change). Once they've added it then Vertica can evaluate if and when to work it into our development and release cycles. So it is on the radar but reliant on the other party's delivery schedule and then our own schedules.

  • Hi! Is there any update on the topic?

  • As @s_crossman comments, it is still in the plans to do in late 2022 (Subject to change).

  • Any update?

  • It looks like the Simba SDK blocker was delivered to us and is in the recent 12.0.3 release. So now work should be able to progress on the Vertica end. No ETA listed but there has been constant activity so it's still on the radar.

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