How much disk space is needed for /opt/vertica/bin

How much disk space is needed for /opt/vertica/bin during installation ?
I dont see it mentioned in any of the documents


  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely Administrator


    Hope this helps:

    [dbadmin@s18384357 ~]$ du /opt/vertica --summarize -h
    11G     /opt/vertica
    [dbadmin@s18384357 ~]$ du /opt/vertica/bin --summarize -h
    256M    /opt/vertica/bin
  • thank you any official documentation around this ?

  • The reason i posted this query is one of the customers is trying to install vertica which fails

    Installing Data Repository (Vertica)

    ./resources/vertica-8.1.0-4.x86_64.RHEL6.rpm located....................[OK]
    ./resources/vlicense.dat located........................................[OK]
    Checking to see if Vertica Installation Package already exists...
    Performing a new installation of Vertica...
    Preparing... ########################################
    Updating / installing...
    vertica-8.1.0-4 ########################################
    error: unpacking of archive failed on file /opt/vertica/packages/idol/lib/;5af2ee1f: cpio: write failed - Inappropriate ioctl for device
    error: vertica-8.1.0-4.x86_64: install failed

    Vertica installation package install failed.............................[FAIL]


    Script finished - ./

    [root@deda1x2930 logs]# df -h
    Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/mapper/rootvg-rootlv 1014M 69M 946M 7% /
    devtmpfs 16G 0 16G 0% /dev
    tmpfs 16G 12K 16G 1% /dev/shm
    tmpfs 16G 25M 16G 1% /run
    tmpfs 16G 0 16G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
    /dev/mapper/rootvg-usrlv 4.0G 1.3G 2.8G 33% /usr
    /dev/sda1 240M 181M 43M 81% /boot
    /dev/sdd 2.0T 1.3G 1.9T 1% /CA
    /dev/mapper/rootvg-tmpinstlv 1014M 33M 982M 4% /tmp_inst
    /dev/mapper/rootvg-homelv 1014M 33M 982M 4% /home
    /dev/mapper/rootvg-usrlocallv 253M 40M 214M 16% /usr/local
    /dev/mapper/rootvg-tmplv 2.0G 33M 2.0G 2% /tmp
    /dev/mapper/rootvg-optlv 1014M 755M 260M 75% /opt
    /dev/mapper/rootvg-varlv 2.0G 1.3G 711M 66% /var
    /dev/mapper/rootvg-varfactorylv 253M 13M 240M 6% /var/factory
    /dev/mapper/rootvg-varspoollv 253M 14M 240M 6% /var/spool 6.0T 5.3T 786G 88% /dfs/is
    tmpfs 3.2G 0 3.2G 0% /run/user/97884
    tmpfs 3.2G 0 3.2G 0% /run/user/98327

  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely Administrator

    I believe that if it is a space issue, you'd get this error: "cpio: write failed - No space left on device".

  • Any suggestion on what could be the problem we are able to do SCP of files between the cluster boxes with root user

  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely Administrator
    edited May 2018

    A quick Google search shows:

    "inappropriate ioctl for device" is the error string for the ENOTTY error. It used to be triggerred primarily by attempts to configure terminal properties (e.g. echo mode) on a file descriptor that was no terminal (but, say, a regular file), hence ENOTTY. ... When stdout is not a terminal this fails with the IOCTL message.

    How are they trying to install the Vertica RPM? I'm guessing not from a command line.

  • Hi Jim,

    rpm is first transferred over to other nodes using ssh and then triggered

  • s_crossmans_crossman Employee

    For what it's worth, in normal install the rpm is installed on a host, and then the Vertica install script copies the rpm to the other hosts in the cluster and remotely kicks of install. So if this is the first rpm install on the first host it should have nothing to do with scp or ssh. Have they tried downloading the distrib from the Vertica site and retried? Maybe a corrupted rpm file. You can check the file by copying it to a junk dir and using either:
    rpm2cpio filename.rpm | cpio -idmv
    tar xvf filename.rpm (I think this is newer versions of tar only)

    I hope it helps.

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