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Setting config parameter does not work — Vertica Forum

Setting config parameter does not work

alisalemalisalem Vertica Customer


I recently tried updating my config parameter using the following:
SELECT set_config_parameter('MoveOutInterval',120);

However I don't see the effect when I check MC, I do see it on the DB though. How can I verify that the new value for MoveOutInterval is in effect?

Thank you


  • s_crossmans_crossman Vertica Employee Employee

    On the database side you can query the tuple_mover_operations system table. In the example below we can see it's set to 300 secs (5 mins). And querying the tuple_mover_operations table we can see that the moveouts happened roughly 300 secs apart. So if you set the config param you can check it with the get function, then you can confirm it took affect with the system table query.

    I checked this in Vertica 9.2 and MC reflected the changed value in the settings tab.

    dbadmin=> select get_config_parameter('moveoutinterval');



    dbadmin=> select operation_start_timestamp,node_name,operation_name,table_name,is_executing from tuple_mover_operations where operation_name='Moveout' and operation_start_timestamp > 'Mar 01, 2019 12:00:00' order by operation_start_timestamp desc limit 12;
    operation_start_timestamp | node_name | operation_name | table_name | is_executing
    2019-03-12 08:44:34.294277-04 | v_vmart_node0001 | Moveout | invfact | f
    2019-03-12 08:44:34.024571-04 | v_vmart_node0001 | Moveout | invfact | f
    2019-03-12 08:39:34.285578-04 | v_vmart_node0001 | Moveout | invfact | f
    2019-03-12 08:39:34.008701-04 | v_vmart_node0001 | Moveout | invfact | f

    I hope it helps.

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