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pool name: <spot> - what is it? where is it coming from? — Vertica Forum

pool name: <spot> - what is it? where is it coming from?

edited July 2019 in General Discussion

version: 9.0.1

I saw an entry in the table v_monitor.resources_queues with a pool name called "< spot >" - what does it mean?

sorry, I just realized that "< spot >" was removed after posting the question due to the < and > signs.


Best Answer

  • Bryan_HBryan_H Vertica Employee Administrator
    Answer ✓

    It's not a resource pool exactly, but rather indicates the query is in queue and not in the resource pool yet.
    Between the time a query arrives at the resource manager and when the node schedules a thread to marshal it through the resource manager, the query will be on something called the "spot queue" and thus will appear this way on resource_queues.
    If queries remain on the spot queue for any length of time, then there is something iffy going on - most likely due to a sub-optimal resource pool design.


  • SruthiASruthiA Administrator
    edited July 2019

    Can you share the screenshot and output of following

    select * from resource_pools
    select * from resource_queues

  • edited July 2019

    Sorry, I can't post that information.

    But no, the pool name "< spot >" does not exist in resource_pools.

    And as mentioned in the question, I found it in the table resource_queues table.

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