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vbr replication during standby unavailable — Vertica Forum

vbr replication during standby unavailable

avkirilishinavkirilishin Vertica Customer
edited August 2019 in General Discussion

We use vbr for replicate two similar clusters. There is one standby node per cluster.
When standby node in destination cluster take the place of a failed node (host crashes), replication fails because of rsync daemons checks and others (crashed node becomes standby and unavailable).
This is vbr's fix:

<     @property
<     def participating_hosts(self):
<         node_subset = set(self._config._topology[src_node_name].backup_host for src_node_name in self._selected_nodes)
<         src_nodeset = set([
<             self._database_info.get_host_name(node)
<             for node in self._participating_nodes])
<         return src_nodeset | (set(self._dest_hosts.values()) & node_subset)
<     def __init__(self, config, node_subset=None):

def __init__(self, config):
9047d9038 < self.node_subset = node_subset 9130,9133c9121 < if self.node_subset: < all_backup_host = set(self._config._topology[src_node_name].backup_host for src_node_name in self.node_subset) < else: < all_backup_host = set(loc.backup_host for loc in self._config.all_backup_lock_locations()) ---
    all_backup_host = set(loc.backup_host for loc in self._config.all_backup_lock_locations())
10011c9999 < RsyncDaemonLauncher(config, node_subset=opt_nodes).launch_rsync_daemons() ---

Does another way exist to replicate objects with down standby host?


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