Getting Double Quotes on all strings when I load a string csv file

In my CSV file there are no double quotes, but once I load into Vertica, it starts showing "string" double quotes around my string for every value which is not what I want. I just want the normal string value.
COPY analysts.alerts_generated FROM LOCAL 'localfilepathblabla/alert_event.csv' ABORT ON ERROR DELIMITER ',' NULL AS 'null' SKIP 1 DIRECT STREAM NAME 'LOCAL_COPY_events_generated'
Hi, could you provide more detail? What version of Vertica are you running, and what client are you using? Here is my simple attempt to replicate the issue, which seems OK:
What tool are you using to select from? Is this in vsql, or something else? Your COPY command won't add quotes to your string. Maybe something else?
DBVisualizer Pro 10.0.21
Should be something Vertica 9.0+ (9.2 )?
For me, DbVis 10.0.21 doesn't show quotes in the grid, or when I copy a selection from the grid. However, you may need to disable quoting when you export using the wizard. About halfway down the dialog, check for the "quote text value" setting: