Exception while creating a cluster in attempt to provision a vkconfig scheduler

I have been trying to follow setups to provision a scheduler while following setups mentioned under "Integrating Vertica with Apache Kafka/Automatically Copying Data From Kafka/Setting up a Scheduler" where I got stuck at creation of a cluster.

I get the following exception the resolution to which I couldn't find anywhere on google/stackoverflow or even the vertica forum.

[Vertica][VJDBC](6774) ERROR: Failed to create default key projections for table "vktest_sched1"."stream_clusters": Cannot create projections due to naming conflicts with existing projections java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: [Vertica][VJDBC](6774) ERROR: Failed to create default key projections for table "vktest_sched1"."stream_clusters": Cannot create projections due to naming conflicts with existing projections at com.vertica.util.ServerErrorData.buildException(Unknown Source) at com.vertica.dataengine.VResultSet.fetchChunk(Unknown Source) at com.vertica.dataengine.VResultSet.initialize(Unknown Source) at com.vertica.dataengine.VQueryExecutor.readExecuteResponse(Unknown Source) at com.vertica.dataengine.VQueryExecutor.handleExecuteResponse(Unknown Source) at com.vertica.dataengine.VQueryExecutor.execute(Unknown Source) at com.vertica.jdbc.common.SPreparedStatement.executeWithParams(Unknown Source) at com.vertica.jdbc.common.SPreparedStatement.executeUpdate(Unknown Source) at com.vertica.solutions.kafka.api.config.Cluster.create(Cluster.java:97) at com.vertica.solutions.kafka.cli.v2.ClusterCLI.createConfiguration(ClusterCLI.java:88) at com.vertica.solutions.kafka.cli.v2.ClusterCLI.run(ClusterCLI.java:74) at com.vertica.solutions.kafka.cli.v2.ClusterCLI.main(ClusterCLI.java:22) Caused by: com.vertica.support.exceptions.SyntaxErrorException: [Vertica][VJDBC](6774) ERROR: Failed to create default key projections for table "vktest_sched1"."stream_clusters": Cannot create projections due to naming conflicts with existing projections ... 12 more

I was hoping if someone could help me out here.



  • SruthiASruthiA Administrator

    Based on the error message share it looks like you already projections with same name scheduler is trying to create. What is your vertica version? Is vktest_sched1 the new config schema name which is being passed or does it already exist in your cluster? Please share me the output of

    select * from "vktest_sched1"."stream_clusters":

    if you have any conf file, pass it here.. else you can leave out --conf parameter
    vkconfig scheduler --read --conf

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