Backup/Restore in Eon Mode on AWS S3

What's the current state of backup/recovery on EON with AWS S3? What happens with Vertica EON if AWS S3 gets slow or is even unavailable? Can the primary cluster survive? At least in read-only mode?
Migrating your Vertica Cluster to the Cloud
@SumeetAgrawal @Chris_Daly_HPE


  • PanPan Employee

    EON mode supports full backup/restore with s3 as well as object level restore from full backup on s3.
    Even read-only will still need to read from s3 if files are not in depot. So if S3 is not available, there is nothing very interesting vertica could do.

  • My experience (not from AWS, but with S3-like storage) is quite positive, S3 protocol is very resilient, so queries are not failing immediately. Instead they can survive relatively long hiccup and finally finish successfully.

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