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Determining depot size — Vertica Forum

Determining depot size

kxukxu Administrator

Is it a good rule of thumb to say something like data/node count = depot size? e.g should a 2TB data size and 4 nodes should have 500-600GB depot size for each node?

Sizing and Configuring Vertica in Eon Mode for Different Use Cases
@skeswani @skamat


  • skeswaniskeswani - Select Field - Employee

    This calculation is fine if you want your entire database to fit in the depot. This is fine for smaller databases.
    However its not necessary. The node count depends on the data that will be accessed/processed by your workload/query, not your entire data.
    For example if you keep yearly data, and usually only access the current and/or last years data.
    Then you can do the same calculation of a years worth of data (data for a year)/nodecount= depot size.

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