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Passing List of Params while Calling REST API using PythonUDx — Vertica Forum

Passing List of Params while Calling REST API using PythonUDx

priteshpritesh Vertica Customer

Hi Team,
I need a quick help in getting to know that: How can I pass below request packet to udx function which will call api with this request format,
[ {
"id" : ,
"values" : {
"variable_name1" : "value1",
"variable_name2" : "value2",
} },
"id" : ,
"values" : {
"variable_name1" : "value1",
"variable_name3" : "value3",
} }



  • Bryan_HBryan_H Vertica Employee Administrator

    Could you elaborate more on the use case and data flow? If this is a parameter to the UDx, I would think you could convert to string and pass as VARCHAR. Or is it used inside the UDx? If so, return as string / VARCHAR, then parse into a flex table or flex column.

  • priteshpritesh Vertica Customer

    @Bryan_H said:
    Could you elaborate more on the use case and data flow? If this is a parameter to the UDx, I would think you could convert to string and pass as VARCHAR. Or is it used inside the UDx? If so, return as string / VARCHAR, then parse into a flex table or flex column.

    Hi Bryan,
    Let say, my udx function is GetApiResponse(arg1). In this scenario, how it will work as I want to pass list as a param to Udx function.
    Thanks !!

  • Bryan_HBryan_H Vertica Employee Administrator

    How about this python script "json_demo.py":

    import json
    import vertica_sdk

    class json_demo(vertica_sdk.ScalarFunction):
    def processBlock(self, server_interface, arg_reader, res_writer):
    while True:
    x = arg_reader.getString(0)
    d = json.loads(x)
    res_writer.setString(d["success"]+" "+str(d["status"])+" "+d["message"])
    if not arg_reader.next():

    class json_demo_factory(vertica_sdk.ScalarFunctionFactory):
    def getPrototype(self, srv_interface, arg_types, return_type):
    def getReturnType(self, srv_interface, arg_types, return_type):
    def createScalarFunction(self, srv):
    return json_demo()

    Use this SQL to test:

    \set libfile '\''`pwd`'/json_demo.py\''
    CREATE LIBRARY JsonDemoFunctions AS :libfile LANGUAGE 'Python';

    -- Step 2: Create functions
    CREATE FUNCTION json_demo AS NAME 'json_demo_factory' LIBRARY JsonDemoFunctions;

    -- Step 3: Test
    SELECT json_demo('{"success": "true", "status": 200, "message": "Hello"}');

    -- Step 4: Clean up
    DROP LIBRARY JsonDemoFunctions CASCADE;

  • priteshpritesh Vertica Customer

    @Bryan_H said:
    How about this python script "json_demo.py":

    import json
    import vertica_sdk

    class json_demo(vertica_sdk.ScalarFunction):
    def processBlock(self, server_interface, arg_reader, res_writer):
    while True:
    x = arg_reader.getString(0)
    d = json.loads(x)
    res_writer.setString(d["success"]+" "+str(d["status"])+" "+d["message"])
    if not arg_reader.next():

    class json_demo_factory(vertica_sdk.ScalarFunctionFactory):
    def getPrototype(self, srv_interface, arg_types, return_type):
    def getReturnType(self, srv_interface, arg_types, return_type):
    def createScalarFunction(self, srv):
    return json_demo()

    Use this SQL to test:

    \set libfile '\''`pwd`'/json_demo.py\''
    CREATE LIBRARY JsonDemoFunctions AS :libfile LANGUAGE 'Python';

    -- Step 2: Create functions
    CREATE FUNCTION json_demo AS NAME 'json_demo_factory' LIBRARY JsonDemoFunctions;

    -- Step 3: Test
    SELECT json_demo('{"success": "true", "status": 200, "message": "Hello"}');

    -- Step 4: Clean up
    DROP LIBRARY JsonDemoFunctions CASCADE;

    Thanks Bryan !!

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