erro in cast array
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mosheg Vertica Employee Administrator
I've tried the following syntax on Vertica 10.x and it works.
SELECT STRING_TO_ARRAY('[95.717,95.718,95.717,95.717,95.717]', ','); STRING_TO_ARRAY ------------------------------------------------ ["95.717","95.718","95.717","95.717","95.717"] (1 row) SELECT STRING_TO_ARRAY('[95.717,95.718,95.717,95.717,95.717]', ',')::ARRAY[FLOAT]; STRING_TO_ARRAY -------------------------------------- [95.717,95.718,95.717,95.717,95.717] (1 row)
Does it answer your need?
I have v9.3.1-7 maybe this is the reason. Thank you!
This is a nice discovery, Vertica writes arrays as JSON strings, and STRING_TO_ARRAY can parse JSON strings into arrays: