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vbr remove from s3 fails — Vertica Forum

vbr remove from s3 fails

ramkiramki Vertica Customer

Hi, We have added a new node over the weekend and vbr is failing to remove the backup taken prior to adding the new node, tried to remove it manually it fails with S3 error, I have never seen this error before.
[dbadmin@analytics-gold-prod-vertica-1 ~]$ vbr -t remove -c /home/dbadmin/backups/vertica_backup.ini --archive 20210319_170128
Removing restore points: 20210319_170128
Error: Error accessing remote storage: When deleting files from S3. An error occurred (SlowDown) when calling the DeleteObjects operation (reached max retries: 10): Please reduce your request rate. : returncode=None
Remove FAILED.
After this quick-check fails, have to run quick-repair to fix the manifest file, I am exactly sure what is going on, I could access the S3 bucket without any issues from the vertica host.
We are running vertica 9.2.1-18
As you can see below that one I am trying to remove with 4 nodes is the backup taken prior to adding the 5th node.
[dbadmin@analytics-gold-prod-vertica-1 ~]$ vbr -t quick-check -c /home/dbadmin/backups/vertica_backup.ini
Checking backup consistency.
List all snapshots in backup location:
Snapshot name and restore point: fullBackup_20210323_033003, nodes:[u'v_carezen_node0001', u'v_carezen_node0002', u'v_carezen_node0003', u'v_carezen_node0004', u'v_carezen_node0005'].
Snapshot name and restore point: fullBackup_20210319_170128, nodes:[u'v_carezen_node0001', u'v_carezen_node0002', u'v_carezen_node0003', u'v_carezen_node0004'].
Snapshot name and restore point: fullBackup_20210322_033004, nodes:[u'v_carezen_node0001', u'v_carezen_node0002', u'v_carezen_node0003', u'v_carezen_node0004', u'v_carezen_node0005'].
Snapshot name and restore point: fullBackup_20210321_033003, nodes:[u'v_carezen_node0001', u'v_carezen_node0002', u'v_carezen_node0003', u'v_carezen_node0004', u'v_carezen_node0005'].
Backup consistency check complete.


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