How to pass ADO.NET VerticaType.Time and avoid IndexOutOfRangeException ?
My question relates to the post
How can I pass correctly Time value to the query?
I tried:
public async Task TestDirectlyFromConnectionTimeAsTimeSpan()
await using var connection = VerticaHelper.OpenLocalVerticaDatabaseConnection();
await using var command = connection.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = $"SELECT COALESCE(@a, @b) AS \"exp\"";
command.Parameters.Add(new VerticaParameter("a", VerticaType.Time, new TimeSpan(0, 13,53,54, 814255)));
command.Parameters.Add(new VerticaParameter("b", VerticaType.Time, new TimeSpan(0, 13, 51, 54, 814255)));
DbDataReader reader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync(); while (await reader.ReadAsync()) { var value = reader.GetValue(0); value.Should().Be(new TimeSpan(0, 13, 53, 54, 814255)); } }
For this case I receive the following exception:
System.IndexOutOfRangeException : Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at Vertica.Data.Internal.ADO.Net.TimeSpanConverter.FromTimeSpan(TimeSpan sourceData, TypeMetadata targetMetadata)
at Vertica.Data.Internal.ADO.Net.SCommand.GetExecutionContextInputs(IList1 targetMetadataList, SParameterCollection paramCollection, IDictionary
2 metadataToParam)
at Vertica.Data.Internal.ADO.Net.SCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
at Vertica.Data.Internal.ADO.Net.SCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
at System.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteDbDataReaderAsync(CommandBehavior behavior, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[Test] public async Task TestDirectlyFromConnectionTimeAsString() { await using var connection = VerticaHelper.OpenLocalVerticaDatabaseConnection(); await using var command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = $"SELECT COALESCE(@a::time(6), @b::time(6)) AS \"exp\""; command.Parameters.Add(new VerticaParameter("a", VerticaType.Time, "13:53:54.814255")); command.Parameters.Add(new VerticaParameter("b", VerticaType.Time, "13:51:54.814255")); DbDataReader reader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync(); // GENERATED QUERY: SELECT COALESCE('13:53:54.814255'::time(6), '13:51:54.814255'::time(6)) AS "exp"; while (await reader.ReadAsync()) { //Returns datetime {01.01.0001 13:53:54} var value = reader.GetValue(0); value.Should().Be(new TimeSpan(0, 13, 53, 54, 814255)); } }
For this one - the returned value is DateTime, and additionally is trimmed.
kind regards,
What's wrong with the second example? That seems to work.
Jim, it looks that you're directly connected to Vertica using dbadmin, while Kamil uses Vertica provider as an intermediary.
Vertica works ok, the problem is with the provider and its handling of the Time-typed parameter with Coalesce().
Right, but you said that in option number 2, the SQL that ran against the DB was:
SELECT COALESCE('13:53:54.814255'::time(6), '13:51:54.814255'::time(6)) AS "exp";
Dear @Jim_Knicely,
I think it is a general problem of the ADO.NET provider to pass the correct parameter type to the command when we specify VerticaType and equivalent type value. I also found that problem was already identified a few years ago: see
Hi @kamil_kliczbor,
Can you accept the following sample code?
Of course, you can change the part of the query to the following:
Hi @bysza,
Does "BulkInsert" mean the batch insert described on the following page?
Using Batch Inserts and Prepared Statements
Hi, @Hibiki
I think it is acceptable.
Can you also can have a look at ?
Hi @kamil_kliczbor,
Updated that post as well.
Best regards,
Additional information:
So the last argument should be 3 digits, not 6 digits as it is milliseconds.