Unable to download Community Edition

I want todo an evaluation of Vertica Community but after signing up and verifying my email, all of the links for Community Edition server packages and VM images pops up the EULA where I click the Consent radio button and Accept button and nothing happens... I've tried on Edge and Chrome over the course of several days with no success.

Thanks in advance,


  • moshegmosheg Vertica Employee Administrator

    Vertica Community Edition latest version can be downloaded from https://www.vertica.com/download/vertica/community-edition
    If you are a customer and face any issue please raise a support case and they'll be able to help you.
    If you are not a Vertica customer yet or cannot access support please contact us here https://www.vertica.com/contact-us

  • Hi,
    I'm trying to download the community version. The link https://www.vertica.com/download/vertica/community-edition redirects me to https://www.vertica.com/trial-request/ but even if I login the "Request a Trial Download" button does nothing. Is the community version still available?

  • I confirm the same download mail not arriving. After the trial request confirmation "Thank you for requesting a trial of Vertica. You will receive an email shortly with further download details.", no mail is received. I have tried with other 2 different accounts (gmail and microsoft) but no email, even checked the antispam service and spam folder.

    It is like Vertica does not send the email. How can I have the community edition?

  • Make sure to check you junk email folder. I tested this and it took about 20-30 mins for the trail email to show up in my inbox. It's from "MFI Trials and Evaluations trialsandevalnotifications@microfocus.com" with a subject of "Trial Order Request is Fulfilled".

  • @s_crossman said:
    Make sure to check you junk email folder. I tested this and it took about 20-30 mins for the trail email to show up in my inbox. It's from "MFI Trials and Evaluations trialsandevalnotifications@microfocus.com" with a subject of "Trial Order Request is Fulfilled".

    Thanks man! I'd like to.. I have waited for hours and days, I have mail server logs with no mail from @microfocus.com.

  • I'll run a test using my personal mail just to make sure it's not something specific to external mails.

  • Thanks again! Consider I have tried it in October with my gmail account, same behavior. Then I've notified the support, but have never received an answer. That's why I'm here.

  • This worked ok with my personal email address so I've forwarded to a group who manage the site. Hopefully they can help resolve.

  • edited December 2022

    @s_crossman said:
    This worked ok with my personal email address so I've forwarded to a group who manage the site. Hopefully they can help resolve.

    What mail provider do you use for your personal email? Gmail is not working for me. Even new account doesn't work.
    We may continue the discussion in this thread "after vertica 12", where VValdar answered me.

    Thanks for the forward to the site admins.

  • @FssOwen said:
    I want todo an evaluation of Vertica Community but after signing up and verifying my email, all of the links for Community Edition server packages and VM images pops up the EULA where I click the Consent radio button and Accept button and nothing happens... I've tried on Edge and Chrome over the course of several days with no success.

    Thanks in advance,

    Hello @FssOwen ,
    Could you please provide me your email, in order to provide you immediate support related to the CE download. Feel free to contact me here: giulia.rizzi@vertica.com

    Kind Regards,

  • @onit said:

    @s_crossman said:
    This worked ok with my personal email address so I've forwarded to a group who manage the site. Hopefully they can help resolve.

    What mail provider do you use for your personal email? Gmail is not working for me. Even new account doesn't work.
    We may continue the discussion in this thread "after vertica 12", where VValdar answered me.

    Thanks for the forward to the site admins.

    Dear @onit
    Could you please provide me your email, in order to provide you immediate support related to the CE download. Feel free to contact me here: giulia.rizzi@vertica.com

    Kind Regards,

  • It worked for me...I've downloaded it from this link: https://www.vertica.com/download/vertica/community-edition

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