Equivalent of LISTAGG that returns an ARRAY rather than delimited string?
Does Vertica have a function similar to LISTAGG or GROUP_CONCAT that returns an ARRAY type?
The relatively new Vertica ARRAY type is awesome, but I think LISTAGG only returns a string.
Imaginary query below:
SELECT manufact, ARRAY_CONCAT(type) FROM car_sales GROUP BY manufact
EDIT I see it's currently possible to use LISTAGG to return a string and subsequently split that to an array using STRING_TO_ARRAY, but wonder if there's an efficiency cost to this
WITH a AS ( SELECT manufact, LISTAGG(manufact) as types FROM public.car_sales GROUP BY 1 ) SELECT *, STRING_TO_ARRAY(types::!VARCHAR USING PARAMETERS collection_delimiter=',') FROM a ;
Once you get the string using LISTAGG, I think you can use string_to_array function to convert that string to array. does it help?
we have a function call ARRAY_CAT, but it concatenates only array data types. for more information, please visit the below link
Could you IMPLODE your scalar column?
This is how
car_sales(manufact,"type") AS (
SELECT 'Morgan','Plus 6'
UNION ALL SELECT 'Morgan','Plus 4'
UNION ALL SELECT 'Morgan','Threewheeler'
UNION ALL SELECT 'Morgan','Super 3'
UNION ALL SELECT 'Lotus','Europa'
UNION ALL SELECT 'Lotus','Elise'
UNION ALL SELECT 'Lotus','Super 7'
UNION ALL SELECT 'Lotus','Formula 1'
UNION ALL SELECT 'Jaguar','XK 120'
UNION ALL SELECT 'Jaguar','XK 150'
UNION ALL SELECT 'Jaguar','E Type'
UNION ALL SELECT 'Jaguar','Formula E'
, IMPLODE("type") AS typearray
FROM car_sales
GROUP BY manufact;
-- out manufact | typearray
-- out ----------+----------------------------------------------
-- out Morgan | ["Plus 6","Plus 4","Threewheeler","Super 3"]
-- out Jaguar | ["XK 120","XK 150","E Type","Formula E"]
-- out Lotus | ["Europa","Elise","Super 7","Formula 1"]