Return an array from the UDF

gzzzgzzz Vertica Customer


I tried to create a SQL-UDF which returns an array and got the error:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sandbox.my_str_to_array(string VARCHAR, delimiter CHAR(1)) RETURN ARRAY[VARCHAR]
    RETURN STRING_TO_ARRAY(string, delimiter);

vertica=> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sandbox.my_str_to_array(string VARCHAR, delimiter CHAR(1)) RETURN ARRAY[VARCHAR]
vertica-> BEGIN
vertica->     RETURN STRING_TO_ARRAY(string, delimiter);
vertica-> END;
ERROR 4856:  Syntax error at or near "ARRAY" at character 104
LINE 1: ...o_array(string VARCHAR, delimiter CHAR(1)) RETURN ARRAY[VARC...

What's wrong?
In version 11.0.2 I can't just return an array from function?!



  • VValdarVValdar Vertica Employee Employee

    Hi gzzz,

    It seems you're right, SQL function can't return arrays - I tried on a 12.0.4 as well, same result.
    The documentation doesn't state it,
    I'll open a request for specifying the datatypes accepted in the return clause.

  • gzzzgzzz Vertica Customer

    Thanks for checking.

    Are there Vertica developers here, can they comment on this?

    So strange: a native type can't be returned from a function.

  • Hello

    In Vertica version 11.0.2, you can't directly specify the array type in the RETURN statement when creating a SQL UDF. Instead, you can create the function without specifying the return type and let Vertica infer it. Here's the corrected version of your code:

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sandbox.my_str_to_array(string VARCHAR, delimiter CHAR(1))
    RETURN STRING_TO_ARRAY(string, delimiter);

    In this code, we removed the ARRAY[VARCHAR] type specification in the RETURN statement. Vertica will determine the return type based on the function's implementation.

    Thank you.

  • gzzzgzzz Vertica Customer

    Instead, you can create the function without specifying the return type and let Vertica infer it. Here's the corrected version of your code

    I tried ARRAY first, before detailed type specification and got the same error.
    Now, rechecked with your code:

    ERROR 4856:  Syntax error at or near "ARRAY" at character …
  • SruthiASruthiA Vertica Employee Administrator

    @gzzz : Arrays are not supported as return types in sql functions. if you would like to raise a feature request, please create a support case.

  • Looking at all intricacies of early arrays support in v 10 and v 11... impression you will not be able to make it working. I highly doubt Vertica will be fixing array bugs back in v 10. Not sure what you are trying to achieve by pressing (free) Vertica support here.
    Upgrade your server - v 12.0.4 works just fine in large prod env. Everything will be working fine after upgrade.

  • gzzzgzzz Vertica Customer
    edited August 2023

    Not sure what you are trying to achieve by pressing (free) Vertica support here.

    I am trying to figure out array support in UDF.
    There are no notes in the documentation about arrays, so maybe I'm using the wrong array syntax or format, or it's a bug and arrays can't be returned from UDFs at all.

    At least Vertica can upgrade the documentation.

    Upgrade your server - v 12.0.4 works just fine in large prod env. Everything will be working fine after upgrade.

    Did the UDF's code from my first post work fine in v12?

    VValdar said above:

    It seems you're right, SQL function can't return arrays - I tried on a 12.0.4 as well, same result.

    So, looks like arrays does not supported in UDF until v12.

  • moshegmosheg Vertica Employee Administrator

    Just an example how you can do the same:

     Vertica Analytic Database v12.0.4-11
    (1 row)
    create or replace function my_str_to_array(str varchar, delimiter varchar)
    RETURN '["' || REPLACE(str,delimiter,'","') || '"]';
    SELECT my_str_to_array('abc,defg,hijk,lmnop',',') FROM DUAL;
    (1 row)
    SELECT STRING_TO_ARRAY(my_str_to_array('abc,defg,hijk,lmnop',',') USING PARAMETERS collection_delimiter=',') FROM DUAL;
    (1 row)
    SELECT STRING_TO_ARRAY(my_str_to_array('abc,defg,hijk,lmnop',',') USING PARAMETERS collection_delimiter=',')::ARRAY[VARCHAR] FROM DUAL;
    (1 row)
  • gzzzgzzz Vertica Customer
    edited September 2023

    Of course I can return from UDF any string, including looks like array.
    But it's not an array, it's a string.

    Instead use UDF returning string-array and STRING_TO_ARRAY easier just use STRING_TO_ARRAY(str, ',') or STRING_TO_ARRAY(str USING PARAMETERS collection_delimiter = ',') in modern syntax.
    Of course, my example is only primitive example of real use case.
    It simply demonstrates the impossibility of returning an array from a UDF.

    My question is about returning an array and why Vertica still can't do this at version 12 and there's nothing in documentation about this kind of limitation.

  • moshegmosheg Vertica Employee Administrator

    Thank you gzzz,
    VValdar Opened already a request for specifying the datatypes accepted in the return clause.

  • gzzzgzzz Vertica Customer

    VValdar Opened already a request for specifying the datatypes accepted in the return clause.

    OK, thanks.
    I hope that in the future all supported types will be available in UDFs, and not just the documentation will be fixed.

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