Vertica Connector for Salesforce and SAP

Does Vertica support any plugin or connector which can be used to fetch data from Salesforce and SAP directly with out any third party tool ?


  • marcothesanemarcothesane - Select Field - Administrator

    Vertica has connectors to external data - using protocols like ODBC/JDBC, Kafka, libraries accessing Parquet data, ORC, etc.
    Specific connectors to application programming interfaces can be custom coded using our rich software development kit, in this case for User Defined Sources, User Defined Filters and User Defined Parsers - in C++, Java, Python and R.

  • edited August 2023

    Hi @abhaya2608 , Can you please elaborate your exact use case. Do you want load data to Vertica from salesforce or SAP and how you wanted to use the from SAP .is it SAP Business objects or SAP Data Services?

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