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What will be format of nested array data in csv — Vertica Forum

What will be format of nested array data in csv

When I'm going to insert data like this [[1,2,3]] getting error, so what could be nested array data structures in csv


  • moshegmosheg Vertica Employee Administrator

    Here is an example of how to load a nested array in INSERT and via bulk load using a COPY statement.

    CREATE TABLE array_test
        f1 int,
        f2 ARRAY[VARCHAR(80)],
        f3 ARRAY[ARRAY[INT]]
    INSERT INTO array_test VALUES (1, ARRAY['a', 'b', 'c'], ARRAY[ARRAY[1,2,3]]);
    INSERT INTO array_test VALUES (2, '["d", "e", "f"]', ARRAY[[4,5,6]]);
    COPY array_test FROM STDIN PARSER fjsonparser();
    SELECT * FROM array_test order by 1;
    --  f1 |      f2       |      f3
    -- ----+---------------+--------------
    --   1 | ["a","b","c"] | [[1,2,3]]
    --   2 | ["d","e","f"] | [[4,5,6]]
    --   3 | ["g","h","i"] | [[7,8,9]]
    --   4 | ["j","k","l"] | [[10,11,12]]
    -- (4 rows)

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