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Vertica segfault when performing LDAP authentication — Vertica Forum

Vertica segfault when performing LDAP authentication

Hello, I’m trying to use LDAP Authentication on Vertica 6.1.2, installed on Debian 7.1 Wheezy (I know this is not officialy supported, but I really need to use this version because of hardware compatibility). Have enabled it through admintools with following config: ClientAuthentication = local dbadmin trust ClientAuthentication = local all ldap “ldap://LDAP_IP_ADDR/dc=MYCOMPANY,dc=com;uid=;,ou=users,ou=accounts,dc=MYCOMPANY,dc=com” Also created local account for my user but without any password, since it seems to be needed as stated here: http://vertica-forums.com/viewtopic.php?t=86 when trying to connect with command: /opt/vertica/bin/vsql -U MY_USER I get segfault for database vertica process right after providing my password. Using a local account with local password allows connection. Any help appreciated. Regards, Jean-Baptiste Favre


  • Try adding searchattribute=uid at the end of the ldap string.
    For example:
  • It works ! Thanks for the advice :)

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