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Backup and restore on vertica 7.0 — Vertica Forum

Backup and restore on vertica 7.0

Hi All,

We have installed Vertica Analytic Database v7.0.0-1 on one cluster and we regularly take the backup also.

Can i restore this back in to another cluster if the number of nodes and IP addresses not identical.

I mean in the source i have 2 nodes but in target 3 nodes and IP address are not identical on both the clusters.

--Noor Ahmed


  • Hi Noor,

    The cluster to which you are restoring the backup must have the same number of hosts as the one used to create the backup. The node names and the IP addresses must also be identical. The database you are restoring must already exist on the cluster to which you are restoring data. The database can be completely empty without any data or schema. As long as the database name matches the name in the backup, and all of the node names match the names of the nodes in the configuration file, you can restore to it.

    For more info, please follow doc at below link:



  • Thank you Vivek,

    Now we created a target cluster similar to source cluster. Name of the DB, num of nodes and IP Address are identical. I have done several time stoping and starting the database and is working normally. Then I have restored the backup into target cluster and is completed 100%. without any issue.
    Now the problem is Databse is not getting start up. Please see the below error. 

    *** Starting database: vertica ***        Starting nodes:
                    v_vertica_node0001 (
                    v_vertica_node0002 (

            Starting Vertica on all nodes. Please wait, databa                                                                                                              ses with large catalogs may take a while to initialize.

            Node Status: v_vertica_node0001: (INITIALIZING) v_vertica_node0002: (INITIALIZING)
            Node Status: v_vertica_node0001: (INITIALIZING) v_vertica_node0002: (INITIALIZING)
            Node Status: v_vertica_node0001: (INITIALIZING) v_vertica_node0002: (INITIALIZING)
            Node Status: v_vertica_node0001: (DOWN) v_vertica_node0002: (DOWN)
            Node Status: v_vertica_node0001: (DOWN) v_vertica_node0002: (DOWN)
            Node Status: v_vertica_node0001: (DOWN) v_vertica_node0002: (DOWN)
            Node Status: v_vertica_node0001: (DOWN) v_vertica_node0002: (DOWN)
            Node Status: v_vertica_node0001: (DOWN) v_vertica_node0002: (DOWN)
            Node Status: v_vertica_node0001: (DOWN) v_vertica_node0002: (DOWN)
            Node Status: v_vertica_node0001: (DOWN) v_vertica_node0002: (DOWN)
            Error starting database, no nodes are up
    Press RETURN to continue

    And even no luck after trying for restart Database from epoch 0. 
    Then i created new Database and tried to stop and start. No issue with this also.

    Can you tell me how can i proceed to resolve this issue?

    --Noor Ahmed
  • Hi Noor,

    How did you run install_Vertica on target cluster. Please run this command again with private IPs.
    Command should be like 

    install_vertica -s <list of all private IPs (192.168*) separated by comma> -r <rpm file> 
  • Vivek,

    I have done similar way. Can you tell where and what i need to check?

    --Noor Ahmed
  • I'm having a similar problem.  The problem is, it's impossible to keep the same IP addresses in the source and target clusters, as we're using the copycluster option, exactly as described here:


    Nodenames are matched, database names are matched, etc.  As the Vertica 7.0 documents claim, this is meant to allow us to perform tasks such as copying a database between a development and a production environment.  Matching IP addresses across these multiple points would be almost impossible:  Each cluster would need to be accessible, and as such, wouldn't have the same IPs, especially when working with development and testing clusters and attempting to sync them with live data.

    Here's the output from vbr.py:

    $ vbr.py --config-file CopyCluster.ini --task copycluster
    Found Database port:  5433
    [==================================================] 100%
    All child processes terminated successfully.
    copycluster done!

    Once this completes, we have the exact problem that Mr. Ahmed has described.

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