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vertica place in version 8.0? — Vertica Forum

vertica place in version 8.0?



We just upgraded our development instance from 7.2 to 8.0 and I cannot find the location of the geospatial functions (the placelib library). I understand this was included with the basic installation in 8.0. Previously, we had all of the Vertica Place functions installed in the public schema.


The errors we get are "doesn't exist or permission denied" (me) and "library was compiled with an incompatible SDK version [7.2.1]" (dbadmin account). I am trying to use the ST_GeomFromText function to update a geometry field of latitude and longitude positions. 


Any help is much appreciated...thanks!




  • Hi Jimmy,


    For error 1, you may check in user_functions and grant permission to your users from dbadmin

    For error 2, you may need to re-install packages .

    Just check compare the packages using the below command 

    => SELECT lib_name, sdk_version FROM user_libraries;  

    and update the packages using  $ admintools -t install_package -d -P geospatial.


    Hope this helps




  • Thanks, Arun...that did the trick. From my understanding the packages are supposed to upgrade with the 7.2 to 8.0 upgrade, but ours didn't. Everything is now working after we ran the command you mentioned. We also found reference information here:


    Documentation Link





  • Hi Jimmy,


    I'm glad that your problem has been resolved.

    Hope HPE Vertica can add more value to your business.





    I work for HPE Vertica

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