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Is it possible to store the realtime stats/logs generated by Managment console in to a table — Vertica Forum

Is it possible to store the realtime stats/logs generated by Managment console in to a table

Can it be possible to store the log/stats generated by management console and store those to a table.If yes how can e pull those stats/logs from console?


  • LenoyJLenoyJ - Select Field - Employee
    edited September 2019

    Any more info on what logs/stats you are trying to store to a table?
    MC pulls all the data it needs to generate those charts from Vertica system tables in the first place. See: https://www.vertica.com/docs/9.2.x/HTML/Content/Authoring/SQLReferenceManual/SystemTables/VerticaSystemTables.htm
    You may find what you're looking for there.
    You can also get a list of queries that MC uses by looking at the xml files here:

  • Thanks Lenoy

  • Hi, there is a feature extended monitoring in management console to stream data from source vertica and using kafka , we can load into target table.
    However i have one issues.
    1.i have 2 cluster (SRC1,SRC2) and using Kafka i stream and load into Target cluster, but the problem is both Source cluster data is getting loaded into same table of target cluster(dcschema).in that case how can i identify which data belong to which cluster.can we define 2 different schema for 2 src cluster.
    Let me know if it is possible

  • SruthiASruthiA Administrator

    It is possible. Please create 2 microbatches each for one source cluster. you can create two different schemas for two difference source clusters.

  • Hi Sruthi,
    Thanks for the reply but can you please explain bit more, where exactly the schema needs to be defined as it takes automatically dcschema.

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