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Monitoring table refresh — Vertica Forum

Monitoring table refresh

Sorry, I'm sure the answer is already in the forum, but I can't find it.
After adding a new projection to a table I'm running a "select refresh" of the table. Is there any way of monitoring the progression to see how much it still has to do?

Best Answer

  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator
    Answer ✓

    @Tim_1 - Following up on @s_crossman's recommendation, note that Vertica 11 added a new super informative column named PERCENT_COMPLETE to the PROJECTION_REFRESHES system table!

    If you are running a version of Vertica < 11, you can create a database view manually that mimic's Vertica 11's PROJECTION_REFRESHES system table using the attached script.


  • s_crossmans_crossman Vertica Employee Employee


    There is a Vertica system table PROJECITON_REFRESHES that I think will give you the details you are looking for. Info on it can be found in the SQL Reference Manual under the V_Monitor systems tables section.

    I hope it helps.

  • Thanks Jim, running version 9 so script is useful.

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